Looking for the perfect veggie dish for Thanksgiving dinner?

Look no further!

This savory mushroom, leek and fennel tart could become your new winter favorite. It certainly is mine! 

Maybe it’s the deeply satisfying “umami” flavor of the mushrooms, or the way the herbs, leeks, shallots and fennel melt into the creamy cheese. Try it and decide for yourself! 

Luckily, this recipe is relatively easy to prep in under an hour (plus 30 minutes to bake). And showing up with this dish is sure to bring you praise from around the table. Always a good feeling!

Mushrooms have been used medicinally in China for thousands of years. Now research shows that mushrooms contain an array of compounds that help keep you strong. Here are just some of the ways mushrooms may support our health:

1) Boost the immune response:

Mushrooms increase immune activity at the gut lining, increasing the release of antibodies to fight infection and feed our microbiome. Mushrooms contain beta-glucans, a special structural sugar/fiber that stimulates our white blood cells to defend against multi-drug resistant bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. 

2) Support weight loss

Mushrooms are packed with fiber and an array of B vitamins and minerals like potassium, copper, zinc, and selenium. Mushrooms are made of two special fibers, beta-glucans and chitin, which have been shown to reduce appetite, increase feelings of satisfaction and promote weight loss. 

3) Help reduce the risk of several cancers,

specifically breast, gastric and colon cancers. Numerous studies have demonstrated extended survival time, improved response to chemotherapy, and enhanced quality of life with the consumption of mushrooms and the use of medicinal mushroom extracts. 

4) Generate vitamin D when exposed to sunlight!

Just like our skin cells, the cells of mushrooms manufacture their own vitamin D when exposed to the sun. To enhance the vitamin D content of your mushrooms, simply slice them and place them on a platter in the sun for 4 hours and their vitamin D levels will skyrocket. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3897585/

5) Help lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.

Mushrooms contain a compound that is being researched for its ability to relax blood vessels, thus lowering blood pressure. Oyster mushrooms contain significant levels of monocolin, a “natural statin” that lowers blood cholesterol and LDL.


To get the most out of your mushrooms: 

1) Buy mushrooms through a trusted grocery store or farmer’s market.

Never forage for mushrooms on your own unless you’ve been thoroughly trained by an experienced mycologist. Fourteen people were poisoned a few years ago in Northern California, causing such severe liver damage that transplants were required.

2) Buy mushrooms that are relatively dry and never slimy.

Brush any remaining dirt from them with a damp towel and avoid getting water into the gills on the underside. Store mushrooms in a paper bag so they can “breathe” until use. To maximize their vitamin D content, give them a sunbath then return to the bag to use within a few days.

3) Can’t find them in a market near you?

Then consider buying a kit to “grow your own” mushrooms right in your home!  “Far West Fungi”, located in the San Francisco Ferry Building ships Mushroom Mini-Farms around the country. Check out their selection at http://store.farwestfungi.com/index.html

4) Always cook mushrooms!

When eaten raw, they contain mild toxins that are deactivated when cooked, so try roasting, sautéing or grilling them to bring out their flavor and health benefits. 

Edible mushrooms, like white button, crimini (with the brown caps), Portobello (big crimini), chanterelle and morels have health supportive benefits, but shitake, maitake, reishi, oyster and trumpet mushrooms have the greatest concentration of compounds with potential medicinal benefits.

May you have a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend with friends and family in gratitude and great health! 

Dr. Sally 


#thanksgiving #wholefood #umami #mushroom #leek #fennel #savory #yum #naturopathicmedicine #functionalmedicine #medicinalmushrooms #farwestfungi #nature #foodie #gratitude