Self-Care is True Healthcare

Does it feel like self-care has gotten a bad rap…that it’s selfish or indulgent, like getting a mani-pedi, buying a luxury cream or taking an expensive get-away?

While those can be transformative, I’m referring to the way we actually care for ourselves on a day-to-day basis: what we eat, whether we move our bodies, how well we manage stress and the connections we maintain. 

When you think about it, self-care is simply “caring for your self.” 

Self-care is true healthcare; the rest is disease-management. 

In reality, we’re each responsible for maintaining our own health, though it may not seem that way at first. We’ve been trained to hand over the primary responsibility for our health to our doctors and the disease-management system. In that model, the doctor holds the decision-making power (information) and access to treatment (primarily medications). 

This top-down approach has disempowered us and left us in the passive position as a “consumer’” of medicine. We’ve been led to believe there isn’t much we can do to prevent disease: that it’s too much of a buzzkill or inconvenient to actually take good care of ourselves. 

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a sitting duck just waiting to get sick! 

As “owner” of your body, you’re actually in charge of the most complex and miraculous organism on the planet. You alone have the power to shift the way you live to actively cultivate health instead of slowly drifting towards disease. That’s quite an opportunity!

And it is made easier when you know you’ve got an elaborate, internal defense team (AKA, your immune system) that is working 24/7 to keep you in balance and protect your health. Check out my blog post from earlier this month for more on your magical immune system. 

Now it is your turn to protect and support it! YOU have influence over how well it performs because it responds to your daily choices: too much sugar leads to sluggish WBC activity; too little sleep results in higher levels of inflammation; too much stress and our risk of infection soars. That’s not how we want to head into this winter!

Let’s use this time wisely to grow our health, so we come out of this pandemic stronger than when we went into it.

Building a vibrant immune system is your best defense against pathogens,

and I’m going to show you where to start. 

On Tuesday, September 29th, my convenient 5-week online course, The Healthy Immune Reset gets underway. In it, you’ll learn about the top immune-supporting foods, nutrients, and herbs and how to add delicious super foods into your meals with my fun cooking videos and recipes. 

Plus, I’ll teach you how to integrate into your lifestyle shifts necessary to keep your metabolism in balance and inflammation in check, so you can feel better, grow stronger and live longer!

I hope you’ll take the opportunity to build these activities into your day so you can witness the transformation it brings. When you do, you’ll set into motion the actions that can reverse the tide of chronic disease that is ravaging our country and weakening our immune systems to this and future pandemics. 


The bottom line is: there has never been a better time for self-care. 

This puts YOU in the driver’s seat of your health.

Please join me for The Healthy Immune Reset and
discover that the healing power of Nature is in your own hands!

In health,

Dr. Sally

Since I wrote this article, so much has changed and it hasn't been good news. So, I want you to take control by boosting your health and immunity with a few simple switches that include nutrient-dense recipes and better immune-supporting food choices. Join me now for my new online, self-paced course, The Good Food Way to Power Up Your Immune System that includes videos of my best healing recipes, step-by-step cooking classes, strategies, and lifestyle changes all designed to help you thrive during these unprecedented times.

The added bonus is that this energizing and educational course also MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE to a healthy digestion, better sleep, and overall mental health.