Move Your Body!

If you’re feeling a bit stir-crazy being stuck inside while we wait for the pandemic to resolve, you’re not alone. This IS crazy-making!

After all, we are animals that are built to be in motion. Our ancestors were up at the crack of dawn, in constant search of food and shelter so they could simply survive.

While industrialization and technology have freed us from heavy physical labor, they’ve led to several generations of “couch potatoes” with a range of chronic diseases. And the pandemic has only made it worse as we’re all living online.

Today, we tend to live in our heads instead of our bodies. To have a healthy immune response, we must integrate physical activity back into our lifestyles, and onto our calendars. 


After all, movement is something you do every day. So choose an activity that is FUN for you and schedule it on your calendar, as you would any other priority. Whether it’s an early morning workout, an online yoga class, an afternoon hike with a friend, or just dancin’ in the dark, you’ll quickly feel the tremendous benefits of moving your body!  


And do as much as you can, outdoors in Nature!

  • Hiking trails, through hilly neighborhoods; even stairs in local buildings during inclement weather

  • Speed walking, running, jogging (even in place on a rebounder)!

  • Dancing, including Square dancing, Irish and African dancing (very aerobic)

  • Swimming, rowing, kayaking

  • Golfing, tennis, gardening

  • Kickboxing, Capoeira, as well as Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and other martial arts 

  • Cycling

  • Skiing and skating

  • Aerobic or spin class: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) cuts time and increase benefits (once we’re back indoors)

  • Yoga: especially learn my favorite pose: the Sun Salutation…lots of videos online! 

  • Pilates: many excellent classes available in person and online

  • Weight lifting and Slow Burn 


  • Makes you feel good (through the release of endorphins) 

  • Raises White Blood Cell count (WBC), and improves immune and lung function

  • Strengthens your heart as a pump by building collateral circulation to the heart muscle

  • Lowers blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, inflammatory markers and raises HDL 

  • Increases oxygenation of all cells

  • Builds strength, balance, muscle mass and improves posture

  • Burns fat: muscle cells burn more calories than any other cell: (1 pound of muscle burns 75-150 calories/day vs. 1 pound of fat burns only 3 calories/day)!

  • Improves glucose tolerance, enhances detoxification (increased metabolic rate/sweating)

  • Improves balance and stability

  • Improves sleep

  • Reduces cravings for alcohol and drugs

  • Aids digestion and elimination (exercise has been shown to help constipation)

  • Increases longevity: men who exercise live 5 years longer; women live 9 years longer

  • Enhances a positive self-image (not to be discounted when we’re isolated)!

Naturally, the care of our physical body also involves proper breathing, posture, and a good range of motion.


The diaphragm is actually a muscle that separates your thoracic (chest) cavity from your abdominal cavity. When you inhale, it contracts and moves downward to fill your lungs; when you exhale, it relaxes and moves back up, pushing air out. Consciously focusing on diaphragmatic breathing slows the heart rate, increases tissue oxygenation and relaxes the body. As you do deep diaphragmatic breathing, you can experience the area expand around your naval. If you do this while you exercise, it becomes a more conscious and relaxing experience. Yoga, tai chi, and qi gong are excellent activities for learning this style of breathing.


Jan 17 2021 mountain pose.jpg


Practice doing this “simple” standing yoga “Mountain Pose” to improve your balance and posture. Stand in bare feet, with feet a few inches apart, and become aware of the ball of your foot. Focus your attention on the triangle formed by the joint of your big toe, little toe, and your heel. Attempt to find a point of balance with equal weight on all 3 points of each foot. Relax and breathe, lifting your occiput from the base of your head upward off of your neck and feel your feet grounded and supported by the earth. Breathe into that balance.


Take time every day to move your joints through their full range of motion. Pay special attention to your shoulders and hips. 

Move with compassion for your body in whatever its current state is. Do it with joy, do it with music, do it in Nature, and breathe deeply! Yoga is this process: movement coordinated with the breath…ah yes!


Visualize an unhealthy person: how do they look, how is their posture, weight, what are they doing?

Now visualize a healthy person: how do they look, how is their posture, weight, what are they doing?

Now visualize yourself: where on this spectrum are you? Where do you want to be? What steps will you take to get there?

Recognize that your physical body responds to your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Whatever you see now is not what you have to live with! You can make massive changes in your metabolism and physical body by visualizing the “you” that you want to become and do what it takes to get there. 

I’ve been practicing this my whole life and I can assure you that I’ve seen my body change in positive ways over time and I know yours can as well! When you focus your intention on growing your health, your body can and will change. And it will thank you!

Here’s to moving your body and loving it!

Dr. Sally

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