Key Health Strategies When You’re Stuck at Home

By now, you’ve joined us Californians in “sheltering in place”. We’re all working from home, spending time with our housemates and looking for ways to find peace amidst the chaos of the COVID-19 outbreak. 

While this situation may be nerve-wracking, it also offers an incredible opportunity to bring balance into our lives.

Think back: When was the last time you spent this much time at home? How much time are you saving by not doing a commute? What is the best outcome you can imagine from this extended break from modern life? 

Let’s use this time wisely to build our health, so we come out of it stronger than when we went into it.

Bottom line: there has never been a better time for self-care. Take a few minutes to build these activities into each day and witness the transformation it brings!


The breath is our lifeline, delivering oxygen to and removing carbon dioxide from every cell of our bodies. But we spend so much time crunched over a computer that the rib cage compresses our lungs, hindering a full, natural breath. 

Because this virus attacks the respiratory system, it’s smart to build pulmonary capacity now. No matter what your level of health is, you can benefit from focusing your attention on your breath.  

Here’s a link to a beautiful set of very simple Hatha yoga postures that open the chest and increase lung volume. Position yourself so you can see your computer and follow along as yoga teacher, Brett Larkin, leads us through 20 minutes of the Hatha yoga Sun Salutation, uniting movement with the breath. 

These simple postures open the chest and improve the flow of oxygen, blood and lymph. Plus you’ll feel a wave of relaxation that will help you be more centered and able to process the news of the day with greater resilience.


Over the past several months I’ve been listening to a lovely daily podcast, Practicing Human, from meditation teacher, Cory Muscara. In this podcast, Cory offers keen insights into how to live a fulfilling life, even amidst the COVID-19 crisis. 

Whether you meditate daily or have never been able to quiet your mind, I think you’ll find his words soothing and his perspective calming. In episode 105, he shares the “viral” poem by Kitty O’Meara and a vision for “Why COVID-19 Might Heal Us”. Listen to this 9-minute podcast to calm your mind and help you reframe the challenges ahead.


OK, enough sitting around eating popcorn and binge watching Netflix (not that it hasn’t been fun)! If you’re not sick, then it’s time to get up off of that couch and tune into this exercise that will pump you up: Introducing the “Nitric Oxide Dump”.

Developed by Zach Bush, MD, the Nitric Oxide Dump is a 4-minute, high-intensity workout that you can do in your living room, and it stimulates the production of nitric oxide by the body. 

Nitric oxide is a gas made in the lining of our blood vessels and it acts as a vasodilator, meaning it relaxes the inner lining of your blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Nitric oxide also helps erectile dysfunction, increases insulin sensitivity and stimulates the mitochondria to make more energy.  

This efficient anaerobic workout exercises all 16 major muscle groups and can be done a few times per day: the more frequently you do it, the better your results. Turn up the music and go for it!


Fortunately, most Americans are connected to the internet and have cellphones today. Rather than sitting around watching more pandemic updates, make it a point to reach out to old friends and family. Use Facetime, Skype or Zoom so you can see each other and laugh together. Tell them you love them. Remember good times and plan for more of them. Take a live online yoga class, group dance class or sing with each other from your balconies like the Italians! Drop a home cooked meal on a senior’s doorstep. It’s essential we all reach out to give and get virtual hugs each day. 


Did you know that the word “recipe” originally meant a “medical prescription”? I hope you’ll use this extra time to “play in the kitchen” and create some nourishing meals for yourself and loved ones. Explore my website where you’ll find dozens of relatively easy recipes that are packed with the wonderful flavors, colors and fibers of Nature.

Now is the perfect time to pull out those beans and grains from the back of your pantry. Bring their flavors to life by cooking them with aromatic veggies and spices. Be sure to focus on “eating from the rainbow” so you get the powerful phytonutrients that are housed in red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple pigmented foods. 

I have fond memories of eating canned minestrone soup in college, so over the years, I’ve developed my own version which is gluten-free and even richer in flavor. This minestrone should satisfy your cravings and your quest for a prescription to strengthen your immune response. 

Strive to become the best cook you can be, and you’ll never go hungry or be bored!

And notice that spring is in the air! Listen for the birds. See the green buds sprouting. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Breathe in the fresh spring air. Relax and know that this too shall pass.

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