
When the Going Gets Teff…. Discovering an Ancient, Gluten-Free Grain

When the Going Gets Teff…. Discovering an Ancient, Gluten-Free Grain

Teff (Eragrostis tef) is indigenous to Ethiopia and Eritrea, where it has served as the daily staple for roughly 90 million people for thousands of years. It is a stress-tolerant, fast-growing cereal grain that is still cultivated using ancient farming methods. Teff has been growing in international popularity in recent decades, as health-conscious consumers seek out ever more gluten-free options.

Key Health Strategies When You’re Stuck at Home

Key Health Strategies When You’re Stuck at Home

By now, you’ve joined us Californians in “sheltering in place”. We’re all working from home, spending time with our housemates and looking for ways to find peace amidst the chaos of the COVID-19 outbreak. While this situation may be nerve-wracking, it also offers an incredible opportunity to bring balance into our lives. Let’s use this time wisely to build our health, so we come out of it stronger than when we went into it.