After 2020, it’s high time to support and renew your health. After all, your amazing body is constantly renewing itself: recycling old cells and creating new ones, 24/7.

Each and every day, the cells lining your intestinal tract (your “inner skin”) and your “outer skin” cells are shed as a new layer surfaces and the old cells slough off. Every month, your liver regenerates itself and each year, your skeleton is renewed.  Automatically, without your conscious thought.

Take advantage of the opportunity to support these regenerative processes by gifting your body the raw materials it needs to create vibrant health. 

And it starts with real, clean food! You’ll quickly feel the difference. The simple act of dropping these three common metabolic stressors and replacing them with three healthy choices will revitalize your whole system!

I do this every January…will you join me?

Out With The Old - Sugar, Wheat, and Alcohol

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The single most inflammatory food people consume is sugar, breeding diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, to name a few.  For the next 30 days, cut out sugary cereals, sodas, “energy drinks”, cookies, ice cream (and all that stuff we’ve been programmed to crave since childhood).

Instead, choose an apple with almond butter, an organic “corn thin” with sliced avocado and tomatoes, or grab a banana and a handful of cashews or walnuts.

You’ll find that your cravings, energy, and moods stabilize.

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Not everyone notices a reaction to gluten and gliadin, the inflammatory proteins in wheat, rye, and barley (and beer, cookies, bread, scones, crackers, etc.) to the same degree. But our gut lining responds to these toxins by creating transient intestinal hyper-permeability (AKA: “leaky gut”) with symptoms ranging from none to mild bloating, gas, heartburn, IBS, or full-blown Celiac disease.

You’ll discover how great you feel when you don’t eat any wheat products for one month. You’re likely to notice improved energy, clearer skin, and better digestion within the first week or two.

Plus, it leaves more room for phytonutrient-rich veggies! Replace bread with roasted squash, root veggies, brown rice, quinoa, or organic corn polenta, which provide B vitamins, fiber, and satisfaction during the cold wintery months ahead.

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Admit it. No matter much you love it, you know that it is taking a toll. Alcohol is a sugary toxin that wrecks havoc, from your gut to your liver and brain.  Daily alcohol over decades adds up to fatty liver, America’s latest epidemic.

So instead of drinking something that weakens your resolve tonight, try a “mocktail” of sparkling water with a splash of anti-oxidant rich POM Cherry juice and a squeeze of lime, or sip a hot cup of one of my favorite teas: “Lemon Ginger” tea from Yogi Teas.

Drinking something else really delicious allows you to move through those after-work cravings, into a less toxic, more relaxing evening.  I’ll be featuring my favorite booze swaps with you in Facebook Lives during January, so watch for those announcements!

…And In With The New

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With pure clean water: start your day with 8-12 oz. of clean filtered water warm and a big squeeze of lemon. I learned this tip in naturopathic medical school many decades ago (before it became a thing), and it makes a difference! This stimulates the “gastro-colic reflex” to stimulate your intestines and prep your metabolism to function optimally. Drink another 2 quarts (or 8 8-oz. glasses) of pure water throughout the day. Remember, we’re 72 % water, just like Mother Earth.

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2) EAT A PROTEIN POWERED BREAKFAST (especially if you usually don’t)!

Break your overnight fast with a protein-rich breakfast within 1-2 hours of rising. Try eggs on a bed of spinach, avocado, and tomatoes, have some Greek yogurt with berries and nuts, or try an “updated hash” made with chicken sausage, Yukon gold potatoes, red onions, and greens. You’ll find the recipes in my Rx Recipes tab. For those cutting back their intake of animal products, a high-quality rice/pea protein powder blended with berries, banana, and kale works wonders. Protein powers our muscles, enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters to even out energy and mood swings.

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Schedule 30-60 minutes of movement each day and your whole metabolism will shift into fat-burning mode. Just the simple act of brisk-walking builds bone density, collateral circulation, and supports detoxification. Add stretching to the mix and you’ve got a program that aligns the body and corrects postural problems.


To further support you in making 2021 a healthy one, please join me in The Healthy Immune Reset! ❤️Running from Tuesday, January 26th through February 23rd, this online class delivers the essential info, recipes, and support you need to make 2021 your best year yet. And since getting healthy is a team sport, I’ve created an incredible “Buddy Discount” when you bring a friend! Plus, I’ve added an option that includes a bundle of my favorite immune-supportive supplements. 

If you’re looking to enhance your immune response, lose a few pounds, rest better and get your energy back with the right food, nutrients, and herbs, then this 5-week online program is for you. Head on over to to reserve your spot today! I can’t wait to see you there!

A santé! (To your health)…

Dr. Sally

#immunity #dryjanuary #whole30 #hydration #functionalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #gluten #immunereset #prediabetes #healthy #wholefoods #realfood #supplements #inflammation #hydration