5 Cues for a Clean January

I hope 2022 is off to a good start for you! After months of saying “sure” to a few too many bites of a decadent dish, or another sip of wine, I’m always happy when January arrives. January offers a new beginning; a time to clean up my act, grow more resilient and prepare for the coming year. How about you?

In fact, with the new omicron variant going strong, there’s never been a better time to power up your immune system, The Good Food Way. Your energy, digestion, and immunity will thank you!

So, if you’re ready to shake that “tired and toxic” feeling, then gift your system a reboot with my 5 Cues for a Clean January:

  1. Give your gut a break: For the rest of the month, eliminate wheat, the main vehicle for excess sugar, bad fat, and calories (not to mention gluten and gliadin, the toxic proteins present in wheat, barley, and rye). If you’re up for it, do the same with most dairy products, including milk and cheese. 30 days isn’t long…just long enough for you to feel lighter, have better digestion with less bloat, and an immune system that is getting what it needs, finally!

    If you’ve never done this before, I highly recommend the Whole 30. It’s a 30-day “elimination diet”, very much like I learned in naturopathic medical school decades ago. It cuts out the common allergens and replaces them with fresh vegetables and fruit, clean protein and other hypoallergic, whole foods. It will help you get the minimum of 5 servings of fruits and veggies recommended by the National Institutes of Health. Doing so will make you less likely to die early (always a good thing) and you’ll be part of the select group of just 10% of Americans who actually get those 5 recommended servings! While you’re eating clean this month…

  2. Rack up some sleep: Take advantage of these long winter nights to go to bed around 10:00 PM and log 7-8 hours of sleep. It is during sleep that melatonin, a hormone secreted by our pineal gland, is working its magic as a powerful immune regulator with anti-viral properties. Create a bedtime ritual to help support sleep by checking out my “ 7 Steps to a Better Night’s Sleep” here.

  3. Get some sun: As soon as you wake up, head to a sunny window or better yet, bundle up and get outside for a brisk, morning walk. Exposure to early morning sunlight helps reinforce the circadian rhythm and offset seasonal affective disorder, the blues that come with these dark days of winter. Early morning sunlight turns down melatonin production and boosts serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in regulating mood and depression. Plus, getting some sun on your skin increases your own vitamin D, which is proving to be one of the most powerful regulators of immune function.

  4. Give your liver a break: No matter much you love it, that daily booze is taking a toll. Alcohol is a sugary toxin that wreaks havoc, from your liver to your gut and your brain. Over time, heavy alcohol intake can add up to fatty liver, America’s latest epidemic. So instead of drinking something that weakens your resolve tonight, join me in doing “Dry January”. Drinking something else really delicious allows you to move through those after-work cravings, into a less toxic, more relaxing evening. Try a “mocktail” of sparkling water with a splash of antioxidant rich POM Cherry juice with a squeeze of lime or sip a hot cup of one of my favorite teas: “Lemon Ginger” from Yogi Teas. I’ll be featuring my favorite booze swaps with you in Instagram Lives, so follow me on social media and stay tuned for those announcements.

  5. Learn to cook some delicious, new recipes to nurture your body, mind, and immune system. Did you know the word “recipe” is derived from the French (récipé) - meaning “to take a prescription?” The old world inherently understood food as medicine…it could literally kill you or save your life. It’s time we Americans embrace the chance to ditch the ultra-processed food we’ve been trained to eat and learn how to cook and feed ourselves delicious, real food again. You can do this!


To support you in making 2022 your healthiest yet, I’m offering my digital class “The Good Food Way to Power Up Your Immunity.” I’ve designed it so you can jump right in and binge watch all the pre-recorded classes and cooking videos, or take is slow and easy; it’s all on your timeline. This easy-to-access online class delivers the essential info, recipes, and support you need to improve your diet and immune response and help protect you against a range of both acute infections and chronic conditions. Since getting healthy is a team sport, invite your friends to join you!

If you’re looking to lose a few pounds, feel better and optimize your immune system, this online program is for you. Head to drsallyonline.com to register today!

A votre santé….to your health!

Dr. Sally